Bad Piggies 1

Bad Piggies 1 – Free Download – PC Game – Full Version – Compressed
Game Info:

Size: 47 MB
Crack: Not Required
Genre: Puzzle
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Developer: Rovio Entertainment
Publisher: Rovio Entertainment

Bad Piggies 1
is a Puzzle video game. The main objective of Bad Piggies is to create a contraption out of the materials provided, using it to reach a goal at the end of the level. The parts that are given vary in abilities and quality, some requiring manually launching the part, such as rockets and soda bottles, and others requiring the use of motors to run automatically. As the game obeys the laws of gravity, parts can break upon force and some are heavier than others. Certain parts, such as metal as opposed to wood, have stronger durability. The player can also use powerups if having difficulty completing the level, giving perks such as making the vehicle faster, making parts more durable, or a mechanic pig that will build a contraption for the player. Although it is required to reach the end goal to move on to the next level, there are optional hindrances and collectibles to fully complete a level and get three stars; these range from collecting “star boxes” in varying locations or completing the level with a time limit, or contraption limitations such as not using specific parts or completing the level without the machine breaking. Daily, three crates can be found in random levels. When collected, the player is awarded items and powerups, sometimes even customizable skins for the parts. There’s also the chance of getting bolts, which can be used to create a random part skin. Crates vary in the rewards given and are based on what type of crate it is, such as wood, bronze, or gold. We Facilitate you with 100% working PC game setup, full version, free download for everyone!


Minimum System Requirements:

OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista/7
CPU: 1 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Video Card: Any OpenGL 1.3 compatible device
Space Required: 60 MB
DirectX: 9.0c

How to Install:
Extract the game using Winrar or 7zip.
Open “Bad Piggies 1” >> “Game” folder.
Double click on “Bad Piggie” icon to play the game. Enjoy!

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